
Director of centre

Name Title Responsibilities
Pia Quist Professor Leads the center’s interdisciplinary vision and ensures its overall strategic and scientific direction

Centre coordinator

Name Title Responsibilities
Sebastian Mohr-Winterberg Special Consultant Oversees the center’s administration, communication, and daily operations.

Lead investigators

Name Title Responsibilities
Malene Monka Associate Professor Leads the center’s linguistic research together with Pia Quist.
Mikkel Thelle Senior researcher Leads the center’s historical research and serves as the connection to the National Museum of Denmark.
Torben Jelsbak Associate Professor Leads the center’s literary research.

Junior investigators

Name Title
Christian Steentofte Andersen Postdoc
Kristian Aarup Postdoc
Lise Bødtker Sunde PhD student

Collaborative investigators

Name Title
Anne Løkke Professor, University of Copenhagen
David Britain Professor, University of Bern
Tanja Vahtikari University Lecturer, Tampere University
Timothy R. Tangherlini Professor, University of California, Berkeley